Women’s Rights & Women’s Network Initiative (Defenders) is the first women’s rights network in Libya
January 4th, 2016, at the Marhaba Hotel in El-Baidah city, based on invitation of Mrs. Nisreen Amer, a human rights activist, an extensive meeting was held which included a number of women activists in various fields (legal, social, educational, media, civil and political)
The innovative nature of the network lies in the fact that the network is the first women’s network to defend the rights of the Libyan women, which differs from the previous individual initiatives, but contributes to building on them and unifying them and building unified strategies for women and organizations through improving collective and unitary work aimed at safeguarding women’s rights and empowerment in different Political, community and other fields, and to ensure their participation in the transition phase of transitional justice.The Network has established close relations with various women activists and women’s organizations working in the field of women’s rights to build collective attitudes and build on the contributions of those bodies and developed their work to enter the international arena through dealing with United Nations bodies, special reporters and procedures, documenting violations of women’s rights and using information such as reporting to treaty bodies and advocating for women’s rights at the international level. Advocacy inspired by collective attitudes is a major influence on the national and international scene, and certainly the network of strategic cooperation to work integration strengthens performance and preserves diversity in women’s legal and human rights work. It is worth mentioning that the network has its vision, mission and objectives of : ( Network vision Upgrading women’s rights to a just society )·
The message : We are not alone with you , Defending your rights is our duty·
Objectives of a network of defenders:
1. Protection of women human rights (Defenders ).
2. Capacity-building and skills development of women human rights (Defenders)
3. Providing legal counseling and assistance to battered women.
4 . Preparing visions to improve the rights of women5. Raising awareness among women about the rights of women ·
Specific objectives ( Goals )
1. Raising awareness among female students in public schools.
2. Raising awareness through art3. Raising awareness through the media and the press.
4 . Raising awareness to the rights of inmates in the reform institutions through the network, a women’s rights magazine,( Defender ), has been published and is now in fifth Issuance
The magazine has also done many studies and research on women in Libya, including a study on the marriage of young women in Libya as well as field studies on the impact of the conflict on the reality of the families in the city of Benghazi, which targeted 400 families in the city of Benghazi . Also has trained women and human rights activists, in different areas .The network also regularly visits women’s prisons to provide legal, medical and psychological assistance to female prisoners. The network also trains judicial and illegal immigration officers on prison law as well as minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners The network now includes more than 89 women (Member) and organizations working seriously to promote the rights of women in Libya. Nisreen Amer the chairmen of the network works hard with members to help them all the time .IOHRD supports this and other initiatives .
اقرأ المنشور باللغة العربية بالنقر على الرابط ادناه
مبادرة شبكة مدافعات عن حقوق المرأة أول شبكة نسوية معنية بحقوق المرأة بليبيا